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Học hàm/Học vị: Thạc sĩ

Chức vụ: Thành viên

Thông tin chung


  • Hợp chất thiên nhiên và hoạt tính sinh học;
  • Nghiên cứu chất ức chế ăn mòn;
  • Chất hiệp trợ ức chế ăn mòn.



  • Dao TBN, Duong TH, Dao NVT, Vo HC, Pham NKT, Nguyen HT, Nguyen NH, Sichaem J. 2021. Berectones A and B: Two new rotenoids from the aerial parts of Boerhavia erecta. Nat Prod Res.

  • Dao TBN, Nguyen TMT, Nguyen VQ, Tran TMD, Tran NMA, Nguyen CH, Nguyen THT, Nguyen HH, Sichaem J, Tran CL, Duong TH. 2021. Flavones from Combretum quadrangulare growing in Vietnam and their alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activity. Molecules. 26(9).

  • Do TH, Nguyen TT, Dao TBN, Vo HC, Huynh BLC, Nguyen TAT, Mai DT, Vo TPG, Sichaem J, Nguyen NH, Duong TH. 2021. A new diphenyl ether from Parmotrema indicum Hale growing in Vietnam. Nat Prod Res.

  • Duong TH, Nguyen TT, Phan CTD, Nguyen VD, Nguyen HC, Dao TBN, Mai DT, Niamnont N, Tran TNM, Sichaem J. 2020. A new diterpenoid from the leaves of Phyllanthus acidus. Nat Prod Res.:1–7.

  • Pham NKT, Nguyen HT, Dao TBN, Vu-Huynh KL, Nguyen TQT, Huynh BLC, Le TD, Nguyen Ngoc-Hung, Nguyen Ngoc-Hong, Duong TH. 2021.  Two new phenolic compounds from the lichen Parmotrema cristiferum growing in Vietnam . Nat Prod Res.:1–7.

  • Tran CL, Dao TBN, Tran TN, Mai DT, Tran TMD, Tran NMA, Dang VS, Vo TX, Duong TH, Sichaem J. 2021. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitory diterpenes from Euphorbia antiquorum growing in Vietnam. Molecules. 26(8):2257.

